Ayers Presents at American Geriatrics Society 2018 Annual Scientific Meeting

Gina Ayers, PharmD, a current  PGY2 Geriatric Pharmacy Resident at UPMC St. Margaret, presented her poster "Outpatient Medication Burden of Patients Prior to Hospital Death" during the Presidential Poster Session at the American Geriatrics Society 2018 Annual Scientific Meeting in Orlando, Florida. Co-authors were Jennifer Pruskowski, PharmD, BCPS, BCGP, CPE and Rebecca Sands, DO. Ayers' research explored outpatient medication burden in patients prior to hospital death. Results showed most patients were on at least 10 medications prior to hospital death. Over 50% of patients received either a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) or a histamine-2 receptor antagonist (H2RA). Other common medications included aspirin, antihypertensive agents, and statins. Conclusions were that individuals are often prescribed potentially non-essential medications within days of hospital death. Future research efforts should focus on developing solutions to minimize medication burden in this vulnerable patient population. Assistant Professor Jennifer Pruskowski, PharmD, BCPS,BCGP, CPE  is Ayers research mentor