Bailey Selected as ISCC-PEG Scholar

Samantha Bailey, PharmD, a PittPharmacy graduate student in the Clinical Pharmaceutical Scientist program, has been selected as a National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) Inter-Society Coordinating Committee for Practitioner Education in Genomics (ISCC-PEG) Scholar. 

The highly competitive ISCC-PEG Scholars Program provides exposure to the broader genomics community and experts in the field, with the opportunity to work on genetics/genomics-related education projects under the mentorship of an ISCC-PEG member. The appointment is for two years. Each scholar will have their travel funded for the annual ISCC-PEG in-person meeting (typically January or February) for a presentation on their project progress. 

Under the mentorship of Philip Empey, PharmD, PhD, Dr Bailey developed a project focused on developing solutions to overcome educational gaps present in pharmacogenomic education. She plans to interview current ISCC-PEG members to better understand the current gaps and needs for education. Once identifying these needs, Bailey will work to develop additional drug-based pharmacogenomic education modules which will then be disseminated to frontline providers through partnering organizations using a genomic education “tool kit”.