PittPharmacy Experience Like No Other

Elizabeth Donnelly, (Class of 2023), P-1 student, shares pandemic front-line experiences in her blog The Pitt Prescription.

“I started The Pitt Prescription in September because The Pitt News was looking to broaden its online platform and was asking for blog ideas. The Pitt News had never had a blog or recurring column solely focused on health and self-care, so I thought it would be a great theme to select. As a student pharmacist, I am lucky to have access to a wealth of knowledge related to caring for oneself; not everyone has this same privilege. I wanted to start this blog so I could give factual and medically accurate information to college students who may not have much knowledge about these subjects. 

I typically try to choose topics that relate to the college population, like safe caffeine use and seasonal allergy treatments, so that each blog will have more of an impact on the readers. My goal is to help the Pitt community navigate the many self-care options. Most recently I've been writing about COVID-19 to hopefully help people realize how important social distancing is and to calm fears surrounding this pandemic,“ said Elizabeth.

She, like many other health care providers, are our leaders today and the future leaders in pharmacy tomorrow. Read More