PharmD Handbook: General Information 


Message from the Dean

On behalf of our extended School of Pharmacy family, I welcome you to the excitement, hard work, and sense of accomplishment that will engage you for the four years of your PharmD studies. You have made a life-changing decision by choosing to study pharmacy and to study at Pitt, which offers one of the finest educations in the country.

By becoming a Pitt Student Pharmacist, you are joining the ranks of students who during their time in school and after graduation have gone on to forge an incredible legacy of improving patient care and pharmaceutical science research. In recent years, our graduates have been named “Pharmacist of the Year” or “Young Pharmacist of the Year” in Pennsylvania, Florida, and Minnesota. National organizations have named Pitt graduates as “Young Pharmacist of the Year” and “Technology Innovator of the Year.” You will be joining graduates who have become outstanding patient care providers in hospital and community settings, entrepreneurs and scientists, and “game changers” in the Public Health Service, in managed care, and in the pharmaceutical industry.

Driven by your own talents and passion and guided by our faculty, you will forge your way as our alumni have; together, we will “personalize your education.” I am confident that you, like students and graduates before you, will thrive at Pitt and will live up to our mission of “excellence, innovation, and leadership.”

I look forward to getting to know you through class, organizations, and social events.

Accreditation Status

Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education

The University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy’s Doctor of Pharmacy program is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), 135 South LaSalle Street, Suite 4100, Chicago, IL 60503, 312/664-3575; FAX 312/664-4652, website

Middle States Commission on Higher Education
The University of Pittsburgh is accredited through the Middle States Commission on Higher Education. In 2011, the University was reaccredited for ten years, with no qualifications.

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