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October 13, 2021
Pitt Pharmacy Team Publishes Study in Lancet Oncology A team of Pitt Pharmacy researchers, including graduate student and primary author Morgan Casal, PharmD (’19), and faculty members Jan Beumer, PharmD, PhD, and
September 17, 2021
Kane-Gill Awarded Two NIDDK Grants Pitt Pharmacy professor Sandra Kane-Gill, PharmD, MS, FCCM, FCCP, was recently awarded two grants from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK).
September 17, 2021
Huryn Receives Lifetime Achievement Award Donna Huryn, PhD, and Professor in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, was chosen as the winner of the Philadelphia Chapter of the Association for Women in Science (AWIS-PHL) Lifetime…
September 9, 2021
Pitt Pharmacy PhD Student Receives Abstract Award from American Association of Immunologists Jessica Kosanovich received an American Association of Immunologists (AAI) Trainee Abstract Award for her work describing how the presence of maternal antibody at initial respiratory syncytial virus…
August 27, 2021
Smithburger, Durkin, and Vanderneck Receive Preceptor of the Year Awards Pitt Pharmacy students selected three of our valued preceptors for 2020-2021 with the Preceptor of the Year Award, which is an annual award from the Experiential Learning Program at the School of…
August 24, 2021
Ma Awarded NIH Grant Pitt Pharmacy Associate Professor Xiaochao Ma, PhD, was awarded an NIH R01 grant for his work titled, “The ABCG2 transporter in protoporphyrin IX (PPIX) disposition: From toxicity to therapy.”
August 20, 2021
Skledar Receives Teacher of the Year Award Sue Skledar (Pharm '88, MPH '91), RPh, MPH, FASHP, Director of Experiential Learning and Continuing Professional Development, and Professor, Pharmacy & Therapeutics, received the 2021 Stanford I…
August 12, 2021
Schmotzer Named Co-Advisor of RxPrep Anna Schmotzer was named co-advisor of the RxPrep student organization during the 2020-2021 school year, along with Dr. Sharon Corey, Associate Dean of Students. Schmotzer has been assisting with…
June 25, 2021
Pitt Pharmacy and University Pharmacy Collaborate with Pharmacy Partners to Combat COVID University Pharmacy and Pitt Pharmacy served as a Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Hub for CPESN USA in April, 2021.  Patrick Pugliese, (PHARM '11), Director of Pharmacy at University Pharmacy, worked with…
June 18, 2021
PharmD Students’ Research Published in Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy Niti Patel and Britney Stottlemyer, graduates of the 2021 class led the publication of their research project entitled, "A Pharmacovigilance Study of Adverse Drug Reactions Reported for…
June 8, 2021
Pringle Co-Authors Article Published in New England Journal of Medicine Catalyst In 2016, the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services partnered with the Program Evaluation and Research Unit (PERU) at the University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy to provide technical…
June 4, 2021
Kane-Gill Co-Leads Group at KDIGO Conference Sandra Kane-Gill, PharmD, MS, FCCM, FCCP was a member of the steering committee, co-leading the group on nephrotoxins, for the Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Clinical Controversies…
June 2, 2021
Richardson Selected for CVS Health Minority Scholarship Kenneth Jaquez Richardson,Class of 2023, was awarded the 2020 CVS Health Minority Scholarship for Pharmacy Students.